What is 4-7-8?

The 4-7-8 breathing technique involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.


Dr. Andrew Weil believes that the 4-7-8 breathing method can help with the following:

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Helping a person get to sleep
  • Managing cravings
  • Reducing anger responses

Use this method at least twice daily for a few days or weeks to start seeing benefits.

Beginners should avoid doing more than four consecutive breathing cycles until they have more practice with this method.

How it works

The 4-7-8 breathing method puts the body into a state of deep relaxation.

By holding your breath for a period of time, you allow your body to replenish oxygen.

Besides, it forces the mind and body to focus on regulating breathing, instead of thinking about your worries.

Some people claim it can slow the heart beat and calm jittery nerves.

Golden ratio

The total number of seconds of breathing is not as important as maintaining the 4-7-8 ratio.

If you can't hold your breath for long, try a shorter breathing pattern, such as:

  • Inhale through your nose for 2 seconds
  • Hold your breath for 3.5 seconds
  • Exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds

Side Effects

You may feel a little dizzy after practicing for the first few times.

Therefore, you should try this method while sitting or lying down to avoid falling.

If you often experience dizziness, you should stop using this method or adjust the length of your breathing.

Hold your breath

Some people feel better with an open larynx while holding their breath.

Keeping the larynx open helps avoid dangerous compressed air in the body.

You do so by continually trying to inhale more even though your lungs are full of air.

The larynx closes (bulges).

The larynx is open (concave).